A Venue Walk-Through


Venue walk-throughs are extremely important!  This is the first time you get to see the venue in person and experience the layout.  A walk-through gives you the opportunity to think about where you are going to have the ceremony and the reception.  Unfortunately, you may be seeing the venue at a different time of year than the season you plan on getting married in.  This means that flower gardens will look different, and so will the trees.  At this time, you will meet some of the staff, and learn about their venue policies.  If you have any questions to ask or something that you want to see, now is your chance.

If you express interest in holding your wedding at this venue, the manager is often willing to discuss packages, pricing and dates.  You can also ask for a list of vendors that the venue recommends.  If you are ready to commit, the venue will require a deposit to hold your wedding date.

Heaven's Grand Gate is a wedding venue that offers the option of indoor or outdoor weddings.  If interested in a walk-through, please call 518-654-6567 or email at heavensgrandgate@gmail.com.