Plan A Wedding With Endless Possibilities

Create the wedding of your dreams or as we like to say, " Your wedding, your way!" From a full sit down catered affair to a simple and relaxed barbecue, it is all possible here at Heaven's Grand Gate. When you step onto our beautiful property, our fields become your canvas. Your special day is only limited by what you can imagine it to be. We are here to help you plan and make your dream wedding a reality.  We'll spare you the stress of wondering what are the rule or restrictions and give them to you now. Rule number one: there are no rules!  No need to worry about leaving at a certain time  or  celebrating too loud. We want you to enjoy your time here with us and leave with a smile on your face along with the memories that will last a lifetime.


    Plan Something In The Barn

    Our classic red barn has all the feel of an old fashion barn dance!  Use this space how it would best fit your day. There's enough space for a DJ or band, a dancing area, sitting, relaxing, or spreading out your banquet. Bandy and cigars? Dancing the night away?  It's all up to you!

    Plan Something In The West Wing

    Our West Wing is located in the magnificent cabin. This room is an ideal space for the Bride and her ladies to get ready for the big day, for the Groom and his men to enjoy time together before the start of the wedding, or just a quiet space for family to be together before the wedding begins. The iconic spot in this room is the hand built bar and barrel bar chairs which can be fun just getting onto!

    The room can also be used for business presentations, movie nights, or idea planning.  It all comes with the magnificent view out the double glass doors!